Thriving at Work : What School Doesn't Teach You (International Edition)

Thriving at Work : What School Doesn't Teach You (International Edition)

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Book Title: Thriving At Work
ISBN: 9789814974738
By Author(s):DENNIS MAK
By Publisher:MCIA

“Technical” skills + “Soft” skills = Work and Career Success! This book is for the young people who are beginning to dip their toes in the professional world as well as current professionals. It provides a proven roadmap to fast-track your career. In the increasingly global workplace of today, being conversant with international business culture is the key to success. Thriving At Work is a smart and practical guide full of real-world examples and expert advice. Here are skills that are not usually taught in school and can otherwise take years to learn – often the hard way!Chapters include:•How to Write a Compelling Resume•How to Prepare for Interviews•How to Run and Facilitate Meetings•How to Understand and Use Business Idioms•How to Handle Conflicts•How to Ask for a Raise•How to Work with Your Managers•How to Handle Workplace Politics“An absolute gem… A personal bootcamp for invaluable soft skills. Every future-ready professional should read this!” ¬– Kian Chong Lee, Board Director, BNF/Boston Business School