91 Cool Maths Tricks To Make You Gasp

91 Cool Maths Tricks To Make You Gasp

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Book Title: 91 Cool Maths Tricks To Make You Gasp
ISBN: 9781789505306
By Publisher:ARCTURUS

A beautiful gift anthology containing forty incredible shape poems in the shape of world shapers! Learn about about Amelia Earhart in a poem shaped like a plane, Maya Angelou in a poem shaped like a bird or Francis Drake in a poem shaped like a ship. Each poem is paired with a biography, quote and fascinating fact.

Includes poems about: Greta Thunberg, Maya Angelou, Socrates, Frances Glessner Lee, Elizabeth Blackwell, Florence Nightlingale, Anne Frank, Alexander Fleming, Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Mary Anning, Jane Goodall, Archytas, Otto F Rohwedder Shauna, John Logie Baird, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Rosa Parks, Ludwig van Beethoven, William Wordsworth, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Beatrice Tinsley, Ravi Shankar, Isaac Newton, John Muir, Valentina Tereshkova, Amelia Earhart, Sir Francis Drake, Junko Tabei, Rachel Carson, Samuel Johnson,William Shakespeare,
Ursula Le Guin, Sir John Tenniel, Charlie Chaplin, Georgia O’Keeffe, Emmeline Pankhurst, Mahatma Ghandi and Malala Yousafzai.